Judy Dearden, President
I do not think anyone can dispute that 2020 was a challenging year. Although the Highland Heights Green Task Force was able to hold a few meetings early in the year and then in the summer when we could social distance outside the city’s gazebo, with face masks…. we did have to cancel our popular events, such as the annual Freecycle/E-Waste Drive. Our board has decided it made sense to keep the 2020 campaign, “TAKING CARE of US, INSIDE and OUT.” We are trying to schedule some events for this year. One will be a virtual presentation in the spring. Another will hopefully be the speaker that had been scheduled for April 2020. His presentation will tentatively be held in September, probably at the gazebo, unless things have improved enough to hold the presentation in the Community Center…or perhaps at the Park Barn. The Freecycle/E-Waste drive is on the books with the organizations who pick up the “left-overs” from this event at the end of September. We might also be able to host our annual “Green Book” book reviews, again in our park in July. So, in order to keep the interest going with our membership, and the community, we are trying to figure out how to meet and to do so safely.
Regarding recycling….and plastics:
Our friend, Dr. Cathi Lehn (some remember she has been our speaker a few times), Sustainable Cleveland Manager, with the Mayor’s Office of Sustainability, has been the leader of the “Plastic Reduction Working Group” for a few years. She has several interesting blogs. Please visit https://www.sustainablecleveland.org/blog and select what might interest you. A brief note from Cathi: If you would like to learn more about the circular economy and what we are doing in Cleveland please visit the Sustainable Cleveland blog page.
Tentative Upcoming Events:
- Spring: Virtual Presentation – watch your email for an invitation
- July 7th: Green Book Club, book reviews, the pavilion in our city park, near the pool
- September 1: “Algae Blooms & Conditions of Lake Erie”, Christopher Winslow, Ph.D., OSU, Ohio
- Sea Grant College Program, the Director, held around city gazebo or city Park Barn
- September 26: Freecycle/E-Waste Drive, city Park Barn
Thank you to all for continuing to be interested in our shared environment and how to keep it and ourselves healthy. Please visit www.highlandhtsgreen.com or email hhgreentaskforce@yahoo.com or call Judy Dearden @ 440-646-9820 for more information.