Judy Dearden, President
You can have a positive impact on the Earth by learning how to take small and big steps in the direction of environmental stewardship. A grass-roots movement is afoot in Highland Heights and we want you to be a part of it. As Kermit so eloquently said “green’s the color of the world” so whatever shade you and your household represent, we welcome your involvement and encourage you to join us at an informational program soon. Our meetings and educational programs are on the first Wednesday of each month at the Highland Heights Community Center in the Buckeye Room.
August 3 – Business Meeting
Topics: Community Day August 6—Green Vendor Fair and Highland Heights Green Task Force Table, discuss FreeCycle event. Speaker: R.J. Campbell from Cell Phones for Cancer, information on his electronics recycling and discussion on the possibility of the city having a one-day electronics round-up event.
Documentary: “The Story of Stuff” or “The Story of Electronics” (Designed for the Dump)
September 7 – Alternative Transportation Options
Speaker: Tim Cole, Alternative Fuel Director from Ohio Technical School, Cleveland Discussion. Tim will discuss the new technologies in the automotive industry and alternative fuel sources. He will give a pros and cons discussion that should help us better understand the cars on the market today, as well as those for the future. Tim also plans on bringing an alternative car with him for us to inspect.
The success of this group depends on each of us taking the first step so please call or email Judy Dearden if you are interested in becoming a member/volunteer.
Thank you to all for continuing to be interested in our shared environment and how to keep it and ourselves healthy. Please visit www.highlandhtsgreen.com or email hhgreentaskforce@yahoo.com or call Judy Dearden @ 440-646-9820 for more information.