Judy Dearden, President
The Highland Heights Green Task Force’s 2014 Campaign is… “ZERO WASTE”
If you would like to join us in the effort to try and achieve ZERO WASTE, here are a few simple tips:
- Wool Dryer Balls
- Tap Water
- Glass dish or silicone disc for microwave or storage cover
- No straws
- Cloth napkins
- Turn off car
- Ceramic coffee mug
- Donate clothes & shoes (even w/rips & holes)
- Dryer Sheets
- Bottled Water
- Plastic wrap/aluminum foil
- Straws in restaurants
- Paper napkins
- Idling
- Foam coffee cup
- Landfill
Conduct a “TRASH AUDIT” at your home to find out what’s in your trash and to help you determine what you can try to eliminate from your trash cans.
Prior to the end of the school year, Mrs. Gilchrist’s kindergarten class painted birdhouses that will soon be installed on the fence posts surrounding the pumpkin patch. In addition to the pumpkins, more flowers and herbs will be added to the garden, along with two different varieties of corn… popcorn, and Indian corn.
A BIG thank you goes out to David Ianiro for making the birdhouses for the garden!
Last year, the garden was a huge success and we are hoping for this year to be even more successful!
From SUSTAINABLE CLEVELAND and keeping with the ZERO WASTE campaign, check this out…
UPCYCLE PARTS SHOP – Open beginning June 2014 6419 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland
Cleveland’s first creative reuse art center is where you can buy low-cost unique art supplies, learn about upcycling, craft in the open studio or in a workshop, and be inspired to create less waste and more art!
- July 2nd – Summer Break – No Meeting
- July 26th – Highland Hts. Community Day – Information Table 12:00 – 7:00 p.m.
- August 6th – Greenwood Farm, Richmond Hts. “Midsummer’s Night Social at the Creek”- Tour of Euclid Creek & Greenwood Farm – 6:30 p.m.
- September 3rd – Gazebo Party with a 50/50 raffle Zero Waste Potluck Dinner 6:30 – 9:00 p.m.
Please visit www.highlandhtsgreen.com or email hhgreentaskforce@yahoo.com
or call Judy Dearden @ 440-646-9820 for more information.