Judy Dearden, President
The Highland Heights Green Task Force is an organization made up of residents of Highland Heights and our neighboring cities, striving to live a more environmentally friendly lifestyle. We invite you to join us at a program or meeting soon. We have no borders, everyone is welcome and it would be great to add you to our membership!
Julia’s July Monthly Challenge:
Challenge yourself to reduce the amount of water you use for your landscaping by 25%. Do this by installing a rain barrel, planting indigenous plants, using the collected water from the basement dehumidifier to water plants, etc.
Many Thanks to Millridge Elementary School:
(The following appeared in the Patch.com by Roger Vozar) “Garbage doesn’t go to waste at Millridge Elementary School, where a volunteer group of students has been collecting table scraps to fill compost containers. Teachers Amy Hillis, Julie Slisz, and Lisa Webb have coordinated the composting effort, which was proposed to the school by the Highland Heights Green Task Force. Since April 23, a crew of 22 students has gone down the cafeteria aisles with buckets, gathering leftover food that’s suitable for composting. “They’ve learned what is OK – no meat, no dairy,” Slisz said. The result is an average of 9.6 pounds of food a day – about 240 pounds total – that has been diverted from the landfill.” The food scraps are put into two compost tumblers daily, which were purchased with grant money from the Solid Waste District, and the compost when ready will be used in the school’s vegetable garden, headed up this year by our member, Cherie Godnavec.
Shoe Drive:
Since the drive began on April 1st, Mayfield High School has collected 350 lbs. of shoes and clothes in the Planet Aid box. Great job keeping all those items out of the landfills. Thank you to everyone who contributed!
E-Recycle Drive:
A huge thank you goes out to everyone who brought materials to the E -Recycle event we held at the Highland Heights Community Park. We collected approx. 800 lbs. of waste materials that would otherwise go into landfills. We would also like to thank the volunteers, Mayor Coleman, council members, and David Ianiro from Parks and Rec. for their help and support.
Join us for this event at the Community Park on Sunday, Aug. 12 from 10-3:00. Bring usable items you don’t want and/or pick items you do want. No money for any item. It’s a great place to find some new treasures! Please bring household, sports, gardening, and office. clothes, baby items…etc. (smaller furniture only, please).
To understand more about plastics in the environment, visit these websites: www.PlasticParadiseMovie.com, click on “trailer” to learn more about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, and to understand what happens when a plastic bag gets loose in the environment visit http://montereybayaquarium.typepad.com/sea_notes/2010/08/the-majesticplastic-bag-a-mockumentary.html.
- July 4th – No Meeting – Summer Break
- Aug. 1st – Business Meeting – Community Center- 7:00 p.m.
- Aug. 4th – HHGTF Green Vendor Fair- Highland Heights Community Day (Please stop by our tables)
- Aug. 12th – FREECYCLE– Highland Heights Community Park – 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
- Sept. 5th – Gazebo Party – POTLUCK DINNER – 6:30-9:30 p.m. (Call Judy at 440-646-9820 for more info)
Please visit www.highlandhtsgreen.com or email hhgreentaskforce@yahoo.com
or call Judy Dearden @ 440-646-9820 for more information.