Judy Dearden, President
The Highland Heights Green Task Force’s 2014 Campaign is… “ZERO WASTE”
We kicked off our 2014 ZERO WASTE theme with a FREECYCLE/EWASTE Drive (pictured above) at Millridge Elementary School in January. This was a combined effort of the HHGTF and Mayfield Schools. We would like to thank all the wonderful volunteers who gave so generously of their time and labor! Also, a thank you goes out to the community for participating in this event by donating usable items and “shopping” for items they may need. Our local Highland Heights recycler, Green Tech Recycling, was on-site during the entire event to collect the E-Waste, and to answer any questions. If you missed this drive, another is scheduled for June at the Highland Heights Community Park. See below for more details.
What it means to be ZERO WASTE…
- Maximizes Recycling
- Minimizes Waste
- Reduces Consumption
If you would like to join us in the effort to try and achieve ZERO WASTE, here are a few simple tips:
- Pyrex container
- Reusable water bottle
- Reusable mesh produce bag
- Reusable shopping bag
- Cloth diapers
- Homemade meals from scratch
- Compost bin
- Styrofoam container
- Single-use water bottle
- Single-use produce bag
- Single-use shopping bag
- Disposable diapers
- Boxed purchased meals
- Garbage bag
America throws away approximately 40% of the food they purchase! Also, don’t throw items away that can be fixed. Lyndhurst Lumber will fix wooden items, providing you can get the item to them (tables, chairs, wooden doors, etc.). For more information, call them at 440-442-1616. For additional information on ZERO WASTE, please plan to attend our April 2 meeting.
We just completed a four-week series of healthy cooking classes/demonstrations with Leslie Elia, a wellness coach who was our speaker last year on the topic of “Environmental Loads on Our Bodies”. It was agreed by those in attendance, that we learned a lot about making healthier food choices, and enjoyed the food prepared and the company! Plans are underway to schedule more events continuing with the theme of how to eat healthier! Look for future events in upcoming articles.
Held at 7:00 p.m. at the Community Center, unless otherwise noted.
- Apr. 2nd – How to Waste Less-Judy Dearden, Pres. HHGTF
- May 7th – Polyflow, Energy Recovery System, Mike Dungan
- June 4th – Green Book Reports– Reports by HHGTF members
- June 22nd – FREECYCLE/E-WASTE Drive,10-3, Community Park
“E-Waste Recycle Drive”
This is a recycling drive to collect items that once ran on electricity or a battery, i.e.: toaster ovens, cell phones, old power strips/surge protectors, microwaves, fans, etc. (There will be a $15 fee for non-flat screen TV’s and CRT monitors). This type of drive is designed to keep these items out of the landfills and to recycle the pieces/parts of the items.
No money is charged for items. Bring “stuff” (no junk) to give away, and help yourself to stuff from others. Again, this recycling event is to help decrease the amount of “usable items” that might find their way into landfills. Both events will be held Sunday, June 22, 2014, at the Highland Heights Community Park from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Please visit www.highlandhtsgreen.com or email hhgreentaskforce@yahoo.com
or call Judy Dearden @ 440-646-9820 for more information.