Judy Dearden, President
We are an organization made up of residents of Highland Heights and our neighboring cities, striving to live a more environmentally friendly lifestyle. Please join us at a program soon!
By washing your clothes in cold water, using biodegradable laundry products, and line drying you save resources, reduce your environmental impact, and save money at the same time!
DID YOU KNOW about the Mayfield City Schools first CHEMICAL ROUND-UP in 2006?
In 2006 Mayfield City School District began to look closely at the chemicals used in various departments throughout the school district. The focus quickly turned to the number of outdated chemicals used in the science labs as well as the amount and variety of aerosol type cleaning products and pesticides. Collaboration between the Science Department Chair and the Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds led to the first Mayfield Chemical Round-up. A third party company was hired to inventory and remove all the non-essential science lab chemicals as well as all the aerosols, paints, outdated cleaning products and pesticides from the school district. Today Mayfield City Schools continues to monitor the amount and type of chemicals brought into the school system and in 2007 was awarded the EPA’s Tool for Schools Indoor Air Quality Excellence Award. We are proud of our contribution not only to the safety and health of our school children and staff but also our contribution to the environment as a whole.
Programs & Meetings, 1st Wed of each month, 7:00 PM, Highland Heights Community Center
- April 4th – “Going Local, Connecting Land, People and Community” – Speaker, Brad Masi, Oberlin College and NEOFoodWeb.org.
- April 20th – Visit our table at the Green Dream, Beachwood Community Center
- May 2nd – “Environmental Loads on Our Bodies” Speaker: Jacqui Pressley, RD, CLT, The NATURAL Dietician
Please visit www.highlandhtsgreen.com, or email hhgreentaskforce@yahoo.com
or call Judy Dearden @ 440-646-9820 for more information.