Judy Dearden, President
The Highland Heights Green Task Force’s 2014 Campaign is… “ZERO WASTE”
Kimble Refuse Service has supplied the following list of items that DO NOT belong in the recycle bins:
- Metal Cables
- Chains
- Hangers
- Tarps
- Pool Items
- VCR tapes
- Garden Hoses
- Car/Mower Batteries
- Large Pieces of Metal
According to Kimble, these items appear daily at the recycling facility traveling on the conveyor belt past their workers at the sort stations. These items can cause damage to their equipment, slow down the sorting process, or potentially cause injury to the workers.
Also, please note that any used needles and syringes should be placed in a rigid container with a sealable lid such as a Sharps container or a plastic laundry bottle with a screw top. Seal the top with tape and place the container in your trash. DO NOT PLACE IT WITH YOUR RECYCLABLE MATERIALS.
The third annual GAZEBO ZERO WASTE POTLUCK DINNER and 50/50 Raffle was a huge success again this year. About 35 people enjoyed the good food, company, beautiful gazebo atmosphere, and wonderful end of the summer weather. Thank you to everyone who joined us! Hope to see you again next year.
The Greenwood Farm –Midsummer’s Night Social at the Creek, a combined meeting of the Highland Heights Green Task Force and the Friends of Euclid Creek, brought out 94 people who were interested in the farmhouse, a walk by the creek, and a talk by our speaker, Dr. Roy Larick, Anthropologist. Thank you to everyone that attended.
The HHGTF in partnership with Friends of Euclid Creek, Cuyahoga Soil and Water, and the Mayfield High School Environmental Club participated in the Great Lake Erie Boat Float event on Sept. 6 at Edgewater Park, by designing and building a rain barrel boat.. “The Rain Barrel Express”. This event was designed to raise awareness about plastic pollution in our waters. All boats were made out of post-consumer recyclable materials. In spite of the rainy weather and high waves, everyone agreed that it was a blast!
A “Little Free Library” has been installed by the entrance to the pool at the Community Park. The concept is ..” Take a Book, Leave a Book”. The organization BOOKS FOR ALL from South Euclid was commissioned to build and install the library. They supplied all the books too! Their mission is to promote literacy and the love of reading by building free book exchanges worldwide. This is a great way of “recycling” good books. Stop by, find a book, and enjoy a good read (ps..books do not have to be returned)!
- Nov. 5th – HHGTF “Greening your Holidays” Green Vendors -Holiday Gift Fair 5:00-9:00 p.m. Alternatives to “manufactured” gifts. Highland Hts. Community Center. Cash and checks accepted. Some vendors may take credit cards.
- Dec. 3rd – HHGTF Business Meeting; Election of Officers and 2015 scheduling – 7:00 p.m. Highland Hts. Community Center
Please visit www.highlandhtsgreen.com or email hhgreentaskforce@yahoo.com
or call Judy Dearden @ 440-646-9820 for more information.