Judy Dearden, President
The Highland Heights Green Task Force is just completing its 10th year….and what a year it has been! So many challenges for us and the world as the Covid-19 pandemic hit our shores in late winter. We were able to hold our February speaker program with our friend from the Western Reserve Herb Society, Kathleen Gips, prior to knowing what was on our doorstep. Kathleen gave a wonderfully entertaining and informative presentation titled “Herbal Home Keeping”.
NOTE: Kathleen and I both have mentioned making your own cleaning products with natural ingredients. However, I want to point out that one product we recommend, vinegar, is not recommended by the CDC as a product that will destroy the COVID-19 VIRUS. For a list of CDC-recommended disinfectants, go to the CDC website.
The HHGTF managed to have two outdoor meetings this summer…outside our city gazebo attendees sitting 6’ apart on the lawn. One was a Board of Directors meeting…discussion on how to move forward. And the other speaker we had to cancel for June, who agreed to an outdoor presentation…Dr. Kasia Rothenberg, MD, Ph.D. A neuropsychiatrist from the Cleveland Clinic gave a very informative presentation on “Climate Changes Impact on Mental Health”, along with a few minutes dedicated to the pandemic and mental health. Dr. Rothenberg was on a microphone and the attendees were on the lawn, spaced 6’ apart.
As the world of recycling is constantly changing, I reached out to my contact at the Kimble recycling/transfer station for an update on the current guidelines on recycling. Here is what Don sent me…hopefully, this will help with any confusion or questions people may have:
“The biggest issue with curbside recycling for all recycling haulers is the large number of contaminants received within the recycling carts. Items such as trash bags, food residue, Styrofoam, batteries, electronics, etc. are among the top contaminants and are not accepted at our (Kimble’s) recycling center.”
“If your item is not on the approved list please place it directly into the trash. All items should be cleaned and dried before being placed into the cart- unbagged. Together we can help protect the environment and build a more sustainable future.”
RECYCLING RIGHT – In 3 Easy Steps…
1. When in doubt—THROW IT OUT! Make sure that all items are on the Kimble Recycling Center’s approved list of acceptable recyclables. If the item is not on the list, or if you are unsure, place it directly in your trash.
2. Recyclables must be clean and dry. Food is considered a contaminant. No dirty peanut butter jars, or bottles with water still in them. The cardboard must also be clean and dry. Greasy pizza boxes are not recyclable.
3. No need to sort or bag items. Place your approved recyclables in your Kimble Recycling cart altogether. Items should be loose and unbagged.
- PAPER & NEWSPAPER (clean & dry, no glossy paper or foil wrapping paper)
- CARDBOARD (clean & dry, flattened and be emptied of any packaging materials)
- METAL & ALUMINUM CANS (only metal & aluminum food & drink cans are accepted, empty, clean, and dry.. No other metals)
- GLASS BOTTLES (only empty, clean, and dry bottles. No glassware, mirrors, window panes, or light bulbs.)
- PLASTIC JUGS & BOTTLES (clean and empty plastic bottles and jugs. Keep the lids on.)
- No other plastic items are accepted-EVEN IF THEY HAVE A RECYCLE LOGO.
Contact Kimble at 800-201-0005 or email at www.kimblecompanies.com.
We have no further events scheduled for 2020. We are all hoping to be able to resume our events and programs sometime in 2021. Some of the events or speakers that were canceled this year we hope to do next year, like our popular FREECYCLE/E-WASTE drive. Also, take note…alkaline batteries ONLY are still being accepted for recycling at both our City Hall lobby and Mayfield High Schools Wildcat Fitness Center.
Thank you to all for continuing to be interested in our shared environment and how to keep it and ourselves healthy. Please visit www.highlandhtsgreen.com, or email hhgreentaskforce@yahoo.com
or call Judy Dearden @ 440-646-9820 for more information.