Judy Dearden, President
With the close of summer and the welcoming of fall 2017, I find myself in awe that the Highland Heights Green Task Force is coming to the end of its seventh year in existence. With each year, we have increased our membership, which now stands near 60 members! I would like to thank one and all for joining us on this journey, please know that more members are always welcome and needed! As a group, we strive to bring awareness to the community of environmental issues through speaker programs, events, community outreach, and leading by example. Hopefully, we are succeeding in encouraging the community to rethink some habits and live more environmentally friendly lifestyles.

HHGTF Group at Quasar Energy
In keeping with our HHGTF 2017 Campaign topic of energy and resources, this was the appropriate year for a tour of the Quasar Energy, “Collinwood Digester” in August. Quasar Energy Group develops biomass waste-to-energy technology utilizing anaerobic digestion. This system converts readily available biomass sources (food waste, manure, biosolids, crop waste) into biogas that can be used as electricity and thermal heat, natural gas, or compressed natural gas (CNG). This method of energy production reduces greenhouse gas emissions, diverts waste from landfills, and contributes to cleaner air, water, and soil. The Cleveland location will provide 1.3MW of electricity per hour, processing 42,600 wet tons of pumpable organic biomass per year. I believe we were all impressed with the facility and thankful for all the tons of waste that are diverted from the landfills.
Once again, I would like to thank all volunteers who have donated so many hours over the years, and energy, to our events and community outreach tables. This organization only exists because of all of you.
- Nov. 1 – HHGTF End of the Year Business Meeting and Elections (all are welcome!) Community Center 7:00 p.m.
- No meeting in December. Check our website at the beginning of the year for a calendar of programs and events for 2018!
Thank you to all for continuing to be interested in our shared environment and how to keep it and ourselves healthy. Please visit www.highlandhtsgreen.com, or email hhgreentaskforce@yahoo.com
or call Judy Dearden @ 440-646-9820 for more information.