Judy Dearden, President
As we end our 9th year, I would once again like to thank everyone who has taken this path together in our efforts to live more environmentally friendly lives, thus making a positive impact on ourselves and the earth. We truly appreciate all the volunteer hours that have been spent over this past year, as well as all the previous years, working the Freecycles, E-Waste Drives, and outreach tables at the Cleveland Clinic Hillcrest Hospital & Community Day. The success of the HHGTF has been because of you! Please continue to share the information about environmental issues with your family, friends, and others.
The HHGTF 2019 campaign: AVOIDING TOXINS
The following are a few statistics and reasons why we should all be paying attention to what ingredients are in the products we use. Exposure to the many chemicals in the products is contributing to the increase in diseases and the decline of our once healthy planet (as reported in “The Human Experiment”):
- Since 1975, breast cancer rates have increased by 30% in both women and men.
- 7.3 million American couples have trouble conceiving or bringing a pregnancy to term.
- 42 billion pounds of chemicals enter American commerce every day.
- Over the last century, chemical use has gone up 2000%, most of which are not tested. It has been reported that there are currently 84,000 chemicals in our products today and only about 200 have been tested in the U.S.
- 93% of the population has BPA (bisphenol A) in their bloodstream. Why is this chemical so damaging? BPA is known as an endocrine disruptor. Endocrine disruptions can cause cancerous tumors, birth defects, and other developmental disorders.
So PLEASE read labels, check ingredients and visit www.ewg.org to research product safety.
A member of the HHGTF is currently collecting crutches, canes, collapsible walkers, and wheelchairs for a medical charity in Central America. Damaged arm pads, handgrips, or tips on crutches are acceptable and will be replaced. Please contact Judy (see the contact information at the bottom of this page) if you have any of these items to donate.
Once again we had a full gazebo for the 8th Annual Potluck Dinner. Thankfully, we had beautiful weather and were able to enjoy good food and good friends! Thank you to everyone that attended!
FUN FACT… to date, the HHGTF has collected over 8 1/2 tons of electronic waste at our E-Waste events. Therefore, these items were diverted from landfills and were recycled! Thank you to everyone that has participated in these collection events!
- Oct. 2 – Movie and Discussion Night—” Human Experiment” 6:00 p.m., Highland Hts. Community Park Pole Barn
- Nov. 6 – Business Meeting – Election of Officers – Community Center – 7:00 p.m.
Thank you to all for continuing to be interested in our shared environment and how to keep it and ourselves healthy.
Please visit www.highlandhtsgreen.com or email hhgreentaskforce@yahoo.com
or call Judy Dearden @ 440-646-9820 for more information.