Judy Dearden, President
The Highland Heights Green Task Force is an organization made up of residents of Highland Heights and our neighboring cities, striving to live a more environmentally friendly lifestyle. We invite you to join us at a program or meeting soon. We have no borders, everyone is welcome and it would be great to add you to our membership!
The first Freecycle was held on August 12 at our City Park and was considered a success by all those involved (see picture below). There was so much positive feedback that we are considering sponsoring another Freecycle in the spring. A huge thank you to all the volunteers who worked the event and helped make it a success!
HHGTF Gazebo Potluck Dinner:
On Sept. 5, the HH Green Task Force was honored to be the first group to host an event in our new city gazebo with our end-of-summer potluck dinner. Great weather, great location, great food, and especially great people made for a wonderful time for all! (See event picture on the cover of this newsletter).
RECYCLING INFO: What to do with it…
- Plastics #1-7: Recycle with Kimble’s curbside recycling program. They do not take Styrofoam of any type.
- #6 Styrofoam: Molded packaging used to protect electronics and other goods during shipment can be dropped off at Buckeye Industries, 33851 Curtis Blvd., Suite 207, Eastlake, www.newavenues.net/industries.
- Hard Plastic Bottle Tops: Tops such as those from water bottles, jars, etc. can be taken to the Aveda store at Beachwood Place. They recycle for their own packaging products.
- Plastic Bags: Heinen’s stores along with most other grocery stores have bins for recycling single-use plastic bags.
- Paper: Recycle newspaper and paper curbside with Kimble, or at PaperRetriever bins located in the parking lots of the Mayfield Schools. The schools receive money from these recycling locations.
- Techno/Electronic Trash: Watch for the computer roundup held twice a year at the Service Dept., check for information on another E-Cycle event possibly in the spring.
- TV-Non-Flat Screen: Take to Best Buy. They will take your old tube television, up to 32”, for recycling at no charge.
- Refrigerators: Call JACO at 877-545-4112. They are affiliated with First Energy, and you will receive $50 for your old refrigerator.
- Alkaline Batteries: This type of battery is classified as non-hazardous by the federal government and can be placed in your normal household trash.
- Lead Acid Batteries: Batteries that start vehicles should be taken to the Hazardous Waste Drop Off. Check the newsletter calendar or website for dates.
- Clothing and Shoes: Take usable clothing and shoes to any donation program such as Salvation Army, Goodwill, etc., or look for another Freecycle to be held in the spring. There is also a Planet Aid bin located in the Mayfield High School parking lot. They will take all fabric, clothes, and shoes in any condition.
- Books: Donate to any non-profit organization or take them to Half-Price Books.
- Prescription Drugs: Watch the city website for National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day, usually in April and Sept. at the Police Dept. Otherwise, put it in a container with used coffee grounds or food scraps, seal and put it in the trash.
With a little extra effort, we can all work towards a healthy planet for us and generations to follow!
- Wed., Nov. 7th – Greening Our Holidays – Gift Ideas: Speakers – Betty Kryszan and Mary Ellen Dombeck
- Wed., Dec. 5th – End of the Year Meeting – Election of Officers
Thank you to all for continuing to be interested in our shared environment and how to keep it and ourselves healthy. Please visit www.highlandhtsgreen.com, or email hhgreentaskforce@yahoo.com or call Judy Dearden @ 440-646-9820 for more information.