Judy Dearden, President
The 2017 Highland Heights Green Task Force’s campaign is “THE FUTURE of ENERGY and RESOURCES”. Most of our “Green Living Speaker Series” programs throughout the year will center on this theme. We invite you to attend any or all of our programs.
A big thank you goes out to the HHGTF volunteers who staffed our outreach table at the Hillcrest Hospital Earth Day Celebration in April! Almost 300 people passed by our table, and there were many great conversations about our group as well as the environment. We passed out over 200 packets of basil seeds, and over 100 packets of wildflower seeds, along with many handouts that were donated by our speaker in April from the PUCO.
FROM OUR WEBSITE: Challenge of the Month
Let’s change a few habits together, one challenge at a time. If you already actively do one of these challenges, then your challenge is to educate/encourage at least one friend or neighbor to do that challenge for the month.
June Challenge: Scale Back Car Usage: In the last few years, Americans have started driving a lot less, turning to alternatives such as walking, biking, and public transportation. While many people make the choice in order to save money or to get fit, it’s also a great way to reduce the number of dangerous greenhouse gasses (which are responsible for a large portion of the climate change) we release into the environment. One powerful way to minimize the environmental impact of driving is to trade in your clunker for a more eco-friendly vehicle.
Other simple ways to save energy:
Plant shade trees, insulate water tanks, seal air leaks, use less water, use a rain barrel, switch to LED bulbs, line dry clothes, replace old toilets, compost, turn off lights, shorten showers, lower water heater temperature, fix pesky leaks, etc. If everyone made an effort to do some of these things, we could really make a positive impact while saving $$$!
Stop by and see the FREE LITTLE LIBRARY in the park in front of the pool. The library is new and improved thanks to David Ianiro. Feel free to take a book or drop off a book for others to enjoy.
- July 29 – Highland Hts. Community Day – Stop by the HHGTF outreach table for a chat
- Aug. 2 – Quasar-Collinwood Digester Tour – 3:00 p.m. Contact Judy if you are interested.
- Sept. 6 – Gazebo Zero Waste Potluck Dinner & 50/50 Raffle – Contact Judy for details.
- Oct. 4 – Movie & Discussion Night at the Park – Contact Judy for further information.
Thank you to all for continuing to be interested in our shared environment and how to keep it and ourselves healthy. Please visit www.highlandhtsgreen.com or email hhgreentaskforce@yahoo.com or call Judy Dearden @ 440-646-9820 for more information.