The theme for 2024:
The World Around Us
March 6: Steering Committee Meeting
Financial Report
We are financially in good standing.
General Task Force News & Reminders
- NEW HHGTF Structure: We are still in the process of restructuring our leadership. Officers with a Board of Directors, are switching to a Committee Chairperson with a Steering/Advisory board. Are there other suggestions for the title of Chairperson?
- MEETINGS AND TRANSPARENCY: HHGTF continues to hold meetings and report to foster transparency.
- CHANGE IN LEADERSHIP: Founding member, Cherie Godnavec has volunteered to be Judy Dearden’s replacement. She is presently in training. Judy will continue to be responsible for the finances.
- SEEKING SOLUTIONS TO ONLINE MATERIALS: Going forward, we will need to transfer email addresses and other online information. If you can help, please contact Judy.
- 2024 CALENDAR; We will continue to discuss 2025. Decisions are needed about what to keep and what to let go.
- THOUGHTS ON OUTREACH: We need ideas as to how to attract younger members! Possibilities to consider include:
- Re-establishing a connection in Mayfield Schools
- Are we making a difference?
- We need ideas on how to get the word out. We often hear comments like ‘No one knows about this’ and ‘They don’t tell us’
- THE 2025 CAMPAIGN = Living Green
- FREECYCLE/E-WASTE DRIVE: The City of Highland Heights won’t take over, but Parks and Recs have agreed to assist. We need to establish a committee for this.
- CONTINUED SUCCESS: The FaceBook page, GREENER TOGETHER NETWORK of NORTHEAST OHIO, Facebook page continues to flourish with 111 members. If you haven’t joined, give it a look!
- HHGTF WEBSITE: How many look at it? Our web designer Angela Berlingeri is an admin at
- LITTLE FREE LIBRARY Frank Popotnik will look after it this year, and Ellen Schwartz will continue to supply kids books from the Kids Book Bank
- SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE: Donna Grigas, Joan Albro, MaryBeth Skala, me…volunteer to replace me?
Thank you all for going down this path together!
February 7: Hazardous Waste 101
Financial Report
We are financially in good standing.
General Task Force News & Reminders
- Membership Dues: Still accepting dues…Membership forms are on the back table and online here.
- Community Clean-Up Day: Sat, April 20, 9 until noon. The signup sheet is in the notebook
- Arbor Day: Donation to the city to purchase another tree will be $250.00. The planting date is April 26, Arbor Day, at 3 PM in the city park. The board will have Judy’s daughter make wood plaques for the trees for 2022, 2023 and 2024
- Scholarships: The Board voted that $1,000 could go each to two applicants, to be determined when we review applications
- GREENER TOGETHER NETWORK in Northeast Ohio, the Facebook group, is doing well. Lots of events and activities are being posted!
- Help the Children’s Burn Unit: Please remember to take cans to the fire department for the children’s burn unit
- Glass Recycling appears to be doing well, as there is no report from the city
Contain small pcs of plastics in a non-recyclable bag or container, any small pc that would sail away…..
Task Force EVENT & Feature UPDATES
- Freecycle/E-Waste Drive: Per discussion, The Boy Scouts will not be able to take it on.
- Parks and Rec will assist with the Freecycle/E-Waste Drive, but not take it over.
- Scholarship Committee: Donna Grigas, Joan Albro, Judy Dearden, MaryBeth Skala. Thank you Donna, Joan, Marybeth, and of course Judy!
- Gazebo Potluck: Set up at 4
- Little Free Library: Frank Popotnik has volunteered to maintain it Thank you, Frank.
Major Restructuring of Highland Heights Green Task Force
It was determined that the HHGTF will replace the structure of officers and a Board of Directors with a Steering Committee and a Chairman. Judy Dearden will continue doing financial duties.
One of our founding members has stepped up and volunteered to take the lead! Cherie Godnavec and Judy Dearden will be working together to transition Cherie into the HHGTF lead position. Thank you Cherie!!!!
February Presentation
Speaker: Matt Walters, Coordinator for the Recycling Programs with Cuyahoga Solid Waste District.
Presentation: Hazardous Waste, 101.
January, 2024
No meeting this month.