The theme for 2021:
Taking Care of Us, Inside & Out, II
September 1, 2021
Financial report
- We are financially in good standing.
- Paid members – 56 (down from 2020 66)
- Membership dues are still being accepted.
Calendar for 2021
- September 1, Wed, “Algae Blooms & Conditions of Lake Erie”, Christopher Winslow, Ph.D., OSU, Ohio Sea Grant College Program, Director
- September 26, Sun: Freecycle/E-Waste Drive, city park barn… a few more volunteers are needed!
Info About
- Green Paper Products on Alpha
- Sustainable paper/plant-based plates, utensils, and dog poop bags, will sell to the public….
- Rust Belt Riders
- How many would be interested in a drop-off bin for your food scraps perhaps in the park? There is a monthly fee. Planning on speaking with the Mayor.
- Little Free Library- – Ellen Schwartz … thank you!!!!
- Keep America/Ohio Beautiful … meeting scheduled with Exec Director of Keep Ohio Beautiful and mayor, service, etc, and perhaps surrounding cities to find out more about hosting a community clean-up day next spring.
- New interest in Cleveland Heights to form a sister group like ours…and someone in Mayfield Hts. is also interested.
Judy will be giving presentations to two garden clubs on recycling and alternatives to plastics … along with tips on green cleaning.
July 7, 2021
Financial Report
- We are financially in good standing.
- Paid members 53 (down from 2020 65)
Calendar for 2021:
- September 1, Wed, “Algae Blooms & Conditions of Lake Erie”, Christopher Winslow, Ph.D., OSU, Ohio Sea Grant College Program, Director, held around city gazebo or city park barn
- September 26, Sun: Freecycle/E-Waste Drive, city park barn. Volunteers needed! Volunteer sign-up sheets were passed around
Informational Sheets Presented
- Green Paper Products on Alpha
- Rust Belt Riders info here
- Little Free Library – Ellen Schwartz
- Sustainable Cleveland, info sheets
- Recycling and plastics article sheets
- Keep America/Ohio Beautiful
- PIPE Update events sheet
Book Report
JUDY’S BOOK “To Speak for the Trees”, by Diana Beresford-Kroeger, is a world-recognized botanist, medical biochemist, and author whose work uniquely combines western scientific knowledge and the traditional concepts of the ancient world. Raised in Ireland and trained by the locals in the ways of the traditional Celtic plant lore.